marți, 4 octombrie 2016

Option Icon 225 windows 8.1 x64 drivers

recently i bought an modem 3g usb Option icon 225 and need drivers for windows 8.1 x64.also searching on net i saw others need those drivers.after i send email to option to update drivers for this modem their response was "from early 2014 we no longer offer suport for those products".official suport on drivers for os is windows 7 32&64 on their site so who have win 8.1 and 10 many modems from them can't be use.after many restarts and bsod on testing drivers for win 8.1 those from this link are suitable for windows 8.1 x64 tested by me .in case that aren't available from their site just let msg here.i didn't test it on win 8.1 x32 but it's possible to work because the kit has drivers for 32&64.on net is another kit 144_Hokku_Option_Standard_GIx505_3.1d0-1086.32237_41738P but not working on 8.1(give bsod).the issue appear when click connect modem after 1 minute give bsod with message "driver power state failure".
who need driver for this modem (option icon 225) compatible with windows 10 just ask here.