duminică, 31 iulie 2011


Video preview http://www.2shared.com/video/0RfWpnNt/AlphasS01E03HDTVXviD-ASAPVTV-1.html


In this episode it's about all mens who work for discovery on boats.

Video preview http://www.2shared.com/video/R_ENLdf5/sample-deadliestcatchs07specia.html

sâmbătă, 30 iulie 2011

I Superbiker 2011 BRRip.XviD

Video preview http://www.2shared.com/video/k3q2Z1OC/ISuperbiker2011BRRipXviD-ViP3R.html

joi, 28 iulie 2011


General Information
Country : US
Language : English
Pack Date : 2011-07-27
Length : 00:40:56

People with extraordinary abilities include a young, talented artist, singer Jackie Evancho, a professional wing walker and a paralympic skier.
Video preview http://www.2shared.com/video/y0DOdvLq/2020USSuperPowersSuperHumansHD.html

luni, 25 iulie 2011


Video preview

duminică, 24 iulie 2011

National Geographic Taboo Addiction HDTV XviD-DiVERGE

Delve into the lives of those haunted by addiction. Meet a 15-year-old South Korean boy in rehab because he’s hooked on video games. It’s an addiction shared by millions of Koreans, even spurring the government to intervene with a specialized rehab facility. In California, a woman is addicted to anonymous sex meeting countless partners in parking lots to satisfy her insatiable appetite.

Video preview http://www.2shared.com/video/Y0pBdpIW/NationalGeographicTabooAddicti.html

National Geographic Taboo Prison Love HDTV XviD-DiVERGE

Love behind bars with some of the most dangerous criminals on earth. In Texas, an inmate in solitary confinement gets married with the help of a radio host as surrogate groom, while the prisoner listens over the radio. In California, a pregnant woman has a white wedding at the county jail, with a glass wall separating the couple as they say their vows. In Tennessee, a man serving life for murder marries a woman he met over the Internet, but the marriage has little hope of being consummated.

Video preview http://www.2shared.com/video/NA1HH4di/NationalGeographicTabooPrisonL.html


Love can come in many different and bizarre forms. In Washington State, we meet a man with objectum sexual, who has an emotional, romantic and often sexual attraction to his car, named Vanilla. In Germany, we’ll introduce you to the founder of the Objectum Sexual International Forum, who is in a loving relationship with the Berlin Wall. And we’ll meet a married couple in California whose concept of monogamy has an odd twist she works as a professional sex surrogate.

Video preview http://www.2shared.com/video/JI3JhzKr/nationalgeographictabooforbidd.html

vineri, 22 iulie 2011

"Muncitor necalificat dar cu experienta"

Asa suna un anunt de angajare intr-un ziar local din Pitesti.Anuntul complet :angajez muncitor necalificat pentru incarcare pamant dar cu experienta.Cand am vazut prima data acest anunt mi-am zis "asta-i tara fel si fel de oameni".Incarcare pamant te gandesti la cantitate si suprafata mare facuta de utilaje nu cateva galeti sau roabe si gata pentru asta angajezi pe cineva.Apoi suna aiurea muncitor necalificat dar cu experienta adica daca ai lucrat o singura data muncitor calificat ti-ai stricat experienta in a fi doar necalificat.I-am trimis pe mess cuiva anuntul "ce parere ai cum ti se pare" raspuns "tare :)) sa ai experienta la muschi sa faci fata".Ma gandeam sa sun si sa intreb despre ce pamant e vorba-adus de pe luna, de pa marte, o fi pamant sfant care-i faza de-ti trebuie experienta.Ca sa folosesti cuvantul "experienta" pentru o munca fizica suna aiurea ca nu ai altceva de facut decat sa muti ceva dintr-un loc in altul ca doar nu ai nevoie de experienta ca sa pui intr-o anumita ordine lopetile cu pamant in roaba cand le rastorni sau te pune sa mergi cu roaba pe smarma(asta da experienta).

Ce alte anunturi de genul acesta va ganditi cum le-ati formula?.

Ia sa-mi incerc norocul in a posta primul "angajez dezgustator tuica dar cu experienta".Sigur pentru a face fata la interviuri va trebui sa angajez pe cineva.Cum e sa te imbeti in fiecare zi si pentru asta sa fi platit apoi m-as gandi daca am tuica destula.

joi, 21 iulie 2011


Tonight guess is Rowan Atkinson.
Video preview http://www.2shared.com/video/85hSpLMt/topgears17e04hdtvxvid-river-1.html

miercuri, 20 iulie 2011


As the Opilio season winds down exhaustion causes tempers to boil over on the Time Bandit; the skippers of the Seabrooke and the Cornelia Marie both suffer debilitating injuries.

Video preview http://www.2shared.com/video/28l46MzU/deadliestcatchs07e15hdtvxvid-m.html

vineri, 15 iulie 2011

Harry Potter Part 2 2011 TS XViD - IMAGiNE

Movie details http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1201607/

Sky Fighters (2011) DVDRip

The film tells a story of two outstanding military men competing for the position of division commander. They go through misunderstandings and life-threatening moments before finally coming to a common understanding. Eventually they pull together and complete the air force exercise perfectly.

Release Date: 2011
Genre: Action | Adventure
Cast: Wang Ban, Li Guangjie, Huang Yi, Hu Ke, Zhu Xinyun
Quality: DVDRip
Video preview http://www.2shared.com/video/DNLzYksS/SkyFighters2011DVDRip.html

miercuri, 13 iulie 2011


This is Wind Tunnel for June 26, 2011. This week's episode is hosted by Dave Despain. Special guests include, Oriol Servia and Ben Spies.


This is the full race onboard from the 9th race of this year.

All credits to McR
Video Codec MPEG-PS
Bitrate 4254 kbps
Resolution 1024*576
Length 103 minutes
Quality PDTV

video preview:http://www.2shared.com/video/0DHlMSEj/Formula12011Round09GreatBritai.html

luni, 11 iulie 2011


1. Masoneria,un imperiu secret

2.O noua ordine mondiala, Iluminatti din Bavaria

SUA au peste 360 de milioane de locuitori.
Care sunt sansele ca ultimii doi candidati prezidentiali (Bush, Kerrz) sa fi apartinut aceleiasi societati secrete?
Sunt oare mai asemanatori decat ne-am fi inchipuit?
Au mai multe lucruri in comun decat deosebiri?
Cine erau (sau sunt) Bavaria Illuminati?
Ce este Masoneria si ce rol a jucat in fondarea Statelor Unite, a revolutiei franceze, razboiului de independenta si a principalelor evenimente mondiale ale ultimelor trei secole?
Cine au fost Rosicrucianii si ce anume cautau?
A fost revolutia bolsevica un alt pas in planul lor pentru cucerirea lumii?
Ce a fost Societatea Thule si care a fost relatia ei cu Adolf Hitler?
Ce a fost decis la intalnirea anuala a Grupului Bildeberg?
Ce este societatea SkullBones si cum ne influenteaza vietile?

Ora zero - Teroare la Tokyo - TEKKEN

Genul: Documentar Discovery Channel
Denumirea: Ora zero: Teroare la Tokyo
Anul: 2004
Format / Calitate: ISO / DVD Video
Subtitrare: Romana
Marime: 2,62 GB

Ora zero: Teroare la Tokyo

Discovery Channel - Ora zero: Teroare la Tokyo
Titlul original: Zero Hour: Terror in Tokyo

Scenariu, Regia si Producator: Jonathan Hacker

Veti afla povestea inspaimantatoare a atacului cu gaz sarin din metroul din Tokyo.
Pe parcursul acestui documentar, veti afla ce s-a intamplat atunci cand una dintre cele mai destrugatoare arme create de om a fost folosita impotriva populatiei nevinovate.
Acesta nu a fost un atac al teroristilor, ci un gest extrem al unei secte japoneze, Aum Shrinri-Kyo, executat la cererea guru-ului acestora, Shoko Asahara, care predica despre ura si despre moarte.
Veti trai acea inspaimantatoare ora de dinaintea atacului cu o arma de distrugere in masa asupra unor oameni neinarmati si incapabili de a se apara intr-un fel.

Box Lucian.Bute-Mendy.2011.PDTV.H264

Cuprinde doar meciul lui Bute nu si avanpremiera.

Magicienii cuvintelor- Super WHI 1

SUPER WHY, este o serie de desene animate interactive care
ajuta copii intre 3-6 ani sa invete literele, incluzand
alfabetul, cuvinte, si cantece in engleza.
Milioane de copii din întreaga lume au reusit prin intermediul
acestor desene sã învete într-un mod amuzant, învãluit în poveºti,
primele lor cuvinte în limba englezã!

Hansel şi Gretel
Cireşica îi ia din ardeii lui Pepe fără să-i ceară voie şi acesta se supără. Ca să o ajute să înţeleagă unde a greşit, SuperWhy şi Magicienii Cuvintelor pătrund în povestea "Hansel şi Gretel", unde cele două personaje se confruntă cu o situaţie similară. După ce descoperă împreună cu tine SuperLiterele, Cireşica învaţă să fie mai atentă cu ceilalţi.
Importanţa bunelor maniere, ce se întîmplă cînd copiii folosesc cuvinte opuse pentru a schimba o poveste. Şi...descoperi alfabetul, chiar dacă nu mergi încă la şcoală!

Jack şi vrejul de fasole
Julie, sora cea mică a lui Andi, are o criză de plîns şi nimic nu reuşeşte s-o oprească. Magicienii Cuvintelor trebuie să-şi folosească puterile lor speciale şi să se aventureze în povestea "Jack şi vrejul de fasole" pentru a întîlni un gigant care se comportă ca un bebeluş. Andi descoperă cu ajutorul tău şi al Magicienilor puterea liniştitoare a muzicii.
CE ÎNVEŢI DIN ACEST EPISOD? Cîteva litere din alfabet, ce importantă este puterea cititului, cum poţi să-ţi ajuţi mama să-l liniştească pe frăţiorul sau pe surioara ta.

Discovery Channel Secrets of Seal Team 6

For three decades, the elite government operatives of Seal Team 6 have existed under the radar, but now, their cover is blown. We'll uncover the classified information the government doesn't want you to know and discover the Secrets of Seal Team 6.
Appears this team kill Osama bin Laden.

After The Catch Season 01

Deadliest Catch

After The Catch Season 1

I finally got my hands on Season 1 of After The Catch. After weeks of searching and many google searches I found all 4 episodes. It just took about 12 hours of downloading.

Episode 1- Overboard

The boat captains from the show Deadliest Catch gather together at their favorite bar in Seattle to tell some of their favorite and scariest stories.

Episode 2- Man Vs Nature

The boat captains from Deadliest Catch meet to discuss the bad weather conditions that they have encountered over the years.

Episode 3- Mysteries At Sea

First the captains of the crab fishing boats from Deadliest Catch will tell some of their favorite fishing stories. Some will tell of how they barely escaped death. Others will describe superstitions and rituals that they and their crews have. There is also a fascinating tale of a ghost ship said to sail on the Bering Sea.
Next come the crewmembers who will express their thoughts on everything from their experience to their captains. Find out why these men risk their lives to bring the world crabs for their dinner table.

Episode 4- On The Edge

This episode looks at the family histories of fishing for crab on the Bering Sea. Often times several generations of men find themselves fishing together and even replacing their fathers. The captains will discuss the vast improvements made in fishing boats and equipment over the years as well as safety upgrades. They will also talk about the comparisons of crab fishing to gold prospecting. The show closes with a discussion of crewmembers who had short careers due to being too frightened to continue and some of the funniest practical jokes that they have played on one another over the years.
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Invitat Sebastian Vettel

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