luni, 1 august 2011

The Incredible Art Of Julian Beever!

Julian Beever is an English chalk artist who has been creating chalk drawings on pavement since the mid-1990s that create the illusion of three dimensions when viewed from the right location. These trompe-l'oeil drawings are created using a projection called anamorphosis and appear to defy the laws of perspective.Besides the 3D art, Beever paints murals and replicas of the works of masters and oil paintings, and creates collages. He is often hired as a performance artist and to create murals for companies. Beever is interested in advertising and marketing, as well. He has worked in the UK, Belgium, France, The Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Denmark, the USA and Australia.

Julian Beever


Commissioned by Britain's Channel 4 for its Midnight Special during the 1997 general election, Beever chose to draw "Politicians Meeting Their End" outside the Bank of England.
The pavement drawings have included both renderings of old masters plus a wealth of original inventive pieces of work.


People are actually avoiding walking in the "hole"
Julian Beever has made pavement drawings for over ten years. More chalk drawings from Julian Beever. Scroll down slowly and stop at each new frame. Incredible!!!!!

The Hosepipe

Beever's work is so convincing that people swerve to avoid potholes he has drawn in the street.

Many of his creations are optical illusions, such as this one, where Julian appears to be perched on a ledge, waiting for Batman and Robin to climb the building and rescue him.

In reality, there is just pavement in front of him, and the street below together with the expectant crowd, plus the blazing building below him, are all tricks played on the eye (a modern example of trompe l'oeil - a French term that means literally 'trick the eye').

An absolutely insane chalk drawing on the pavement. Batman an Robin are going to save a man from a burning building. Don't you get high anxiety when you look at this drawing ? Note the level of details : the real pavement is actually casting a "shadow" on the buildings below it.

Friendly Neighbourhood

Spiderman, Spiderman!

Beneath Every Street

Beneath Every Street! Beever's "Beneath Every Street" unearths the mechanics behind the luxuries the Western world takes for granted every day.

The Fly Killer

Much more find at

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