vineri, 30 septembrie 2011


Documentar despre structura chimica a apei apoi continua cu functionalitatea ei necesare satisfacerii fiecarei persoane simtita in mod direct(apa minerala) dar si indirect(producerea energiei electrice folosind apa grea) dar si pentru amuzament un exemplu ar fi fantanile arteziene.
Partea BONUS a VCDului consta in harti ( climatice, geografice ... )
si teste de geografie si limba romana in format pdf.Cine doreste o mica portie de cultura generala indiferent de varsta merita timpul pierdut.
Audio in engleza si titrat in romana.


Acest documentar este despre o echipa de savanti formata din 2 echipe ce au stat fiecare cam 1 an pe vasul de expeditie Tara misiune inceputa in toamna anului 2005 in Antartica(Polul Nord) al carei scop fiind studierea,colectarea datelor specifice zonei:ritmul de topire si de deplasare al ghetarilor,temperatura apei.Astfel au plutit intentionat in deriva cam pe toata durata vasul fiind construit in asa fel incat sa se ridice deasupra ghetii fiind tinut in brate de ghetarii ce si-au urmat cursul spre Groenlanda.
Audio in engleza si titrat in romana.

Charles Darwin - Variatia animalelor si plantelor sub influenta domesticirii

Frumoasa editie princeps în limba româna a lucrarii lui Charles Darwin Variatia animalelor si plantelor sub influenta domesticirii, un studiu stiintific aprofundat ce urmeaza în mod firesc teoriile publicate în Originea speciilor.
Un volum masiv, format foarte mare, coperti cartonate si pânzate, titluri aurii. Este prima (si singura, de altfel) editie, aparuta la editura Academiei Române în 1963, într-un tiraj foarte mic, de numai 5350 exemplare, tiparite pe hârtie velina satinata.

Cuprinsul cartii poate fi vizualizat aici

miercuri, 28 septembrie 2011


This contains the race onboard channel ONLY.

Video Codec h.264
Bitrate 1750 kbps
Resolution 1024x576
Length 127 minutes
Quality PDTV

Audio Codec AAC
Bitrate 160 kbps
Frequency 48000 Hz
Language Natural Sounds


2011 Singapore GP race, re-encoded with x264 @500kbps, 25fps.

Torrent consist of the following clips:
1. Race buildup
2. Race including post race drivers interview

Video Codec H264
Bitrate 515 kbps
Resolution 640x352
Length 3 hr 17 minutes
Quality PDTV

Audio Codec AAC
Bitrate 53 kbps
Frequency 24000 Hz
Language English

joi, 22 septembrie 2011

Testarea psihologică a copilului mic, Nicolae Mitrofan(1977) - TEKKEN

Volumul abordeaza problemele de baza ale psihodiagnosticului copilului mic si ofera informatii utile tuturor celor interesati de utilizarea testelor in activitatile de uare psihologica a acestuia.

Documentarul a fost realizat cu cateva luni inainte ca insula sa fie acoperita de ape, in locul unde se fla la aceasta data lacul de acumulare Portile de Fier. Recladirea obiectivelor istorice pe insula Simian (Mehedinti), asa cum fusese stabilit (probabil pe hartie) a esuat si doar o foarte mica parte din cladiri au "supravietuit", locuitorii vechii insule pe care chiar si Herodot o mentioneaza,
mutandu-se in Dobrogea si in alte regiuni ale tarii.
Dedicat tutuor iubitorilor de istorie si cultura..sper sa nu sune prea pompos.

Format : MPEG-4
Codec ID : isom
File size : 196 MiB
Duration : 11mn 46s

Evaluare distractiva clasa a III a.PC.ISO-TEKKEN

Evaluare distractiva clasa a III a : auxiliar interdisciplinar.

Limba si literatura romana
Educatie pentru sanatate
Stiinte ale naturii
Educatie civica

Sengoku Rance [English][Full] + latest Patch

Summary: In the east of the continent lies an island country called Japan. Many feudal lords are fighting for supremacy in this country at this age of civil wars. Rance, who is called a brute and has done as he pleases in the continent, has come to Japan with his slave, Sill.

Hot spring vacation? No. He is going to go to the hot spring, but Rance’s intention is to have sex with all the beautiful princess, maid, miko, and townswomen. He is especially interested in Princess Kou of the Oda family, the strongest force in Japan.

This is a strategy game where Rance fights in Japan.

Meet the alternate reality versions of Oda Nobunaga, Uesugi Kenshin, Takeda Shingen, Tokugawa Ieyasu, Mori Motonari, Date Masamune, Hojo Soun, Sakamoto Ryouma, Yamamoto Isoroku, Saint Francis Xavier, and many more famous Japanese historical figures in the world of Rance!

Here is a list of what has been done since the last patch:
* Translation of Isoroku route
* Translation of Tokugawa, Takuga, Takeda, Tenshi sect, Iga, reinforcements character events
* Fixed game progress report
* Translation of battle speeches
* Translation of misc lines
Video preview:

miercuri, 21 septembrie 2011


John Manard has no intention of serving his life sentence at the Lansing Correctional Facility. Enter Toby Young, a woman who runs a rehab program for criminals. Manard pours on the charm and Young agrees to help him bust out, but can they outwit the law?

Filesize.....: 174 MB (or 179,186 KB or 183,486,464 bytes)
Runtime......: 00:21:27 (30,859 fr)
Video Codec..: XviD
Video Bitrate: 1008 kb/s
Audio Codec..: 0x0055(MP3) ID'd as MPEG-1 Layer 3
Audio Bitrate: 128 kb/s (64/ch, stereo) CBR
Frame Size...: 624x352 (1.77:1) [=39:22]

marți, 20 septembrie 2011


Am facut printuri cuprinsului si pentru a evita incarcarea browserului din cele 11 poze am facut o arhiva ce poate fi descarcata de la adresa urmatoare

luni, 19 septembrie 2011

Sengoku v1.01c multi4 retail-THETA

Year: 2011 | Genre: Strategy (Real-time / Grand strategy) / 3D | Language: English, German, Spanish, French | Platform: PC | Publication Type: License
Publisher: Paradox Interactive | Developer: Paradox Interactive

The year is 1467 and civil war has broken out. The authority of the Ashikaga Shoguns has collapsed and it is every man for himself in the provinces. Honor and duty vie with survival in the delicate dance of power, conquest and betrayal as you attempt to unite the land of the Rising Sun through a combination of deal-making with foreign powers, sending your powerful samurai armies into battle against your enemies, and unleashing shadowy Ninja clans under the cover of darkness to assassinate your rivals!

* Control a noble family in Feudal Japan
* Rise in influence and power within your clan and go on to claim the ultimate prize
* Conquer and grow while rewarding your most valued retainers in your bid to become Shogun
* Detailed historical map of Japan during the warring states period
* Make deals with external powers, including the Portuguese and the Dutch
* Employ the aid of powerful Ninja clans when your Samurai armies are not enough.

System Requirements:
- Operating system: XP/Vista/Windows7
- Processor: Intel® Pentium® IV 2.4 GHz or AMD 3500+
- Memory: 2 Gb RAM
- Hard disk space: 2 GB Available HDD Space
- Video: NVIDIA® GeForce 8800 or ATI Radeon® X1900
- Sound: Direct X-compatible sound card
- DirectX®: DirectX 9


Cam prin ce probe nascocite de oameni trec concurentii :)

Title: Condamnati la fericire - Experimentul comunist in Romania
Year: 1992
Genre: Documentary
Writer: Vladimir Tismaneanu
Director: Dinu Tanase

Fanatic si intolerant, comunismul romanesc a reprezentat o agresiune
sistematica impotriva libertatii umane.
O carte aparuta in 2004 la Polirom ofera o excelenta radiografie a ultimilor
ani ai perioadei ceausiste din istoria comunismului romanesc. Este vorba de
volumul "O lume disparuta - Patru istorii personale urmate de un dialog cu
H.-R. Patapievici". Autorii celor patru incursiuni autobiografice sunt Paul
Cernat, Ion Manolescu, Angelor Mitchievici si Ioan Stanomir, intelectuali
remarcabili care reusesc sa racordeze registrul propriei memorii la o
perspectiva profunda asupra totalitarismului maniacal al "epocii de aur".

Ma bucur sa semnalez acest volum si sa-l recomand calduros tuturor celor
care vor sa priceapa dimensiunea halucinanta a Raului in acei ani, dar si
mecanismele supravietuirii morale si psihologice.
In aceste randuri voi relua cateva idei din scenariul filmului "Condamnati
la fericire - Experimentul comunist in Romania". Filmul, scris si prezentat
de mine, a fost regizat de Dinu Tanase si difuzat in 1992. Scenariul a
aparut in 1991 la Brasov sub egida revistei "Astra", cu o prefata intitulata
"Despartirea de comunism", semnata de cunoscutul scriitor si disident
brasovean Vasile Gogea. Aparitia acestui volum a fost posibila gratie
eforturilor lui Leonard Oprea, el insusi scriitor brasovean, implicat in
actiunile disidente ale anilor ’80.
Reiau asadar ideile din ultima parte a volumului "Condamnati la fericire".
Mi se pare important sa amintesc faptul ca in urma cu doua luni s-a stins
din viata Aurel-Dragos Munteanu, intelectual critic si disident in ultimii
ani ai regimului comunist. De asemenea, in luna iulie anul acesta s-au
implinit zece ani de la disparitia lui Mihai Botez, figura importanta a
gandirii antitotalitare din Romania. Lucrarile analitice ale lui M. Botez,
inclusiv cele scrise dupa 1990, merita discutate in ansamblul eforturilor
de a intelege natura politica si sociala a regimurilor comuniste si
postcomuniste. Am fost prieten cu amandoi, as avea multe de scris si sper
sa am ocazia sa o fac intr-un viitor nu prea indepartat.

Fie-mi permis aici sa le omagiez memoria.

Analizam in textul meu constructia scenariului socialismului dinastic, mai
cu seama dupa 1977. Cutremurul a fost o sansa pentru Ceausescu sa-si
fortifice dictatura personala si sa porneasca actiunile distructive
impotriva centrului istoric al Capitalei. Scenariul dinastic era legat nu
numai de pozitia Elenei ca real numar doi in partid si stat, dar si prin
propulsarea lui Nicu intai in fruntea UTC-ului, apoi ca prim-secretar la
judetul Sibiu si membru supleant al Comitetului Executiv. Romanii erau
sistematic infometati in numele teoriilor lui Ceausescu despre alimentatia
rationala a populatiei. Ceremoniile cultului personalitatii deveneau tot mai
mult ceremonii funebre. Pe masura ce regimul isi marturisea caracterul
aberant, totalmente irational, se intensificau actiunile de opozitie. Trebuie
mentionate cazurile unor intelectuali protestatari precum Paul Goma, Dorin
Tudoran, Doina Cornea, Dan Petrescu, Mihai Botez, Mircea Dinescu, Gabriel
Andreescu, Radu Filipescu. Sa nu-l uitam pe Vasile Paraschiv, cel care a
infruntat sistemul in numele dreptului la sindicate libere. Tin sa-i amintesc
si pe intelectualii din Iasi apropiati de Dan Petrescu: Liviu Cangeopol,
Liviu Antonesei, Al. Calinescu, Luca Pitu, Sorin Antohi. Directia reformista
este insa absenta in partid. Abia cu "Scrisoarea celor sase" se va intampla
ceva important in nomenclatura, insa este simptomatic ca nici un aparatcik
din mai tanara generatie nu a semnat-o. In acelasi timp, chiar la nivel de
mase, se trece pragul rabdarii si se produc revolte spontane impotriva terorii
economice si politice.

De la miscarea Goma si greva minerilor din Valea Jiului din 1977 pana la
revolta anticomunista a muncitorilor din Brasov de la 15 noiembrie 1987 au
fost traversati zece ani de cosmar, dar si de desteptare. Partidul fusese
anihilat ca organism viu (atata cat putea fi el) si devenise cutia de
rezonanta a exclamatiilor isterice ale unui despot mereu mai panicat. Venirea
la putere in 1985 a lui Mihail Gorbaciov, strategiile cunoscute sub numele de
Glasnost si Perestroika, deci masurile de liberalizare si noua ofensiva
antistalinista, l-au exasperat pe Ceausescu. Propaganda oficiala abunda in
atacuri impotriva "deviatiei de dreapta" din miscarea comunista internationala.
Acelasi Ceausescu care condamnase invazia Cehoslovaciei in 1968 propunea in
1989 actiuni militare imptriva relegalizarii sindicatului liber Solidaritatea
in Polonia. "Scrisoarea celor sase" era de fapt ecoul in Romania al
schimbarilor petrecute in URSS si in alte state ale Tratatului de la Varsovia.
Ce conta, cum nota Dorin Tudoran intr-un editorial din "Agora", era faptul ca
acei sase vorbeau din interiorul sistemului leninist. Cei sase, ca si amicii
lor mai putin vizibili precum Ion Iliescu si Martian Dan, nu urmareau
schimbarea sistemului, ci doar liberalizarea sa. Dupa caderea zidului
Berlinului, eliberarea Pragai si debarcarea lui Jivkov, Ceausescu devenise in
chip clar un anacronism istoric. In cartea mea "Stalinism pentru eternitate"
mi-am propus sa fac autopsia cadavrului acelui partid care l-a facut posibil
pe Ceausescu.
Video preview

duminică, 18 septembrie 2011


Meciul a avut 4 reprize din cauza mai multor factori:arbitru,boxeri.Floyd Mayweather nu ar fi trebuit sa procedeze asa.Oricum o faza aiurita la doar cateva secunde de sfarsitul celei de a-4-a reprize.Asteptam revansa.

Virtual Scroll Wheel can simulate a scroll wheel from a wheelmouse. You can use this for example on a laptop with a touchpad that just has two mousebuttons but no physical scroll wheel or scroll area. With an easy double right click Virtual Scroll Wheel gets active and you can "rotate" the wheel by moving the mouse up and down. One more click and Virtual Scroll Wheel gets inactive and you can use your touchpad as usual. The demo version is limited to 10 minutes of use.

Acest program simuleaza rotita mouseului pe care o folosim la navigarea acelor pagini ce au obiecte mai multe si astfel apare acea bara verticala in partea dreapta a paginii.Pentru activare apasati de doua ori click dreapta si astfel prin deplasarea mouseului in directia sus-jos la fel se va misca si pagina iar pentru dezactivare click stanga mouse.Dezavantajul e ca nu poate fi folosita simultan functia de navigare sus-jos cat si cea de clickuire/selectare.Curiosii pot da pe Help(cel din poza) si apare o mica fereastra unde descrie in cateva randuri cum se foloseste.Aplicatia este demo si limitata la 10 minute folosire.
Ce mi-a venit de am instalat ? pai al meu scroll a inceput sa-si arate uzura si cand merge cand nu merge.

Programul se poate descarca

sâmbătă, 17 septembrie 2011

joi, 15 septembrie 2011


Cuba Gooding Jr. este neurochirurgul Ben Carson în această dramă biografică. Filmul îi revelează viaţa plină de inspiraţie a lui Carson, care a pornit de la a fi un tânăr sărăc din periferie şi a ajuns unul dintre cei mai mari chirurgi din lume, depăşind în drumul lui o grămadă de obstacole.

Cuba Gooding Jr. este starul acestei impresionante poveşti reale. Ben Carson e un tânăr care de mic a visat să devină medic, dar care a trebuit să-şi depăşească sărăcia, problemele unui personalitaţi colerice şi notele proaste ca să-şi îndeplinească ţelul. Graţie unei mame singure care şi-a învăţat ambii copii ca, în faţa piedicilor, să continue să aspire la excelenţă. Carson a făcut mari descoperiri în profesia sa şi a devenit unul dintre cei mai respectaţi neurochirurgi pediatri din lume, câştigând Medalia Libertăţii, cea mai înaltă onoare civilă, chiar de la preşedintele George W. Bush. În familia Carson, "nu" n-a fost niciodată un răspuns.

miercuri, 14 septembrie 2011

9-11 Heroes of the 88th Floor HDTV XviD-ANALTV

ANALTV released discovery documentary “9-11 Heroes of the 88th Floor”.Narrated by actor Chris Noth, 9/11: HEROES OF THE 88TH FLOOR is an extraordinary tale of bravery and survival inside the World Trade Center after Flight 11 struck the North Tower on September 11, 2001. The two-hour special introduces viewers to two remarkable men whose acts of heroism and courage saved the lives of 77 people and touched many more.

Download/descarca here/aici

Democracy Now - 13 sep 2011

An alternative daily newschannel. One hour with news as you do not see it elsewhere.

Headlines for Sep 13, 2011

- Taliban Launches Coordinated Attack on U.S. Embassy, NATO Headquarters in Kabul
- Report: Iran to Release Detained American Hikers in Two Days
- Obama Proposes to Cut $467 Billion in Tax Breaks For Companies, Wealthy Americans
- Bank of America Announces Plan to Cut 30,000 Jobs
- Libyan Opposition Leader Addresses 10,000 Supporters in Martyrs' Square in Tripoli
- Amnesty International Alleges War Crimes on Both Sides of Libya Conflict
- Palestine Plans to Seek Statehood Next Week, Despite U.S. Veto Threat
- Romney Takes Perry to Task on Social Security, Jobs Record
- Number of Borrowers Defaulting on Student Loans Jumps Significantly
- Officials: No Radioactive Leaks Following Explosion at Nuclear Facility in France
- Oakland Children's Museum Cancels Palestinian Youth Art Exhibit
- On Anniversary of Attica Rebellion New Recordings Reveal Nixon, Rockefeller Praise For Crackdown

Special reports

- Noam Chomsky: Looking Back on 9/11 a Decade Later

Ten years ago, at a time when lawmakers from both sides of the isle joined together to authorize endless war, Noam Chomsky's was the leading voice to call for the United States to take a look in the mirror - for a re-thinking of U.S. actions in the Middle East and across the globe. His 2001 book simply titled "9-11" became a surprise bestseller. The book collected a series of interviews Chomsky had given on the roots of the 9/11 attacks and his prescription for a just response. A decade later, Chomsky has just released an updated version titled, "9-11: Was There An Alternative?," which refers to the U.S. assassination of Osama bin Laden and the continuity Chomsky sees between the Bush administration's foreign policy and President Obama's. "Right at this moment, Obama has succeeded in descending even below George W. Bush in approval in the Arab world," says Noam Chomsky. "The policies change, but they are hostile. We should understand where atrocities come from. They do not come from nowhere. If we're serious, we should try to do something about what is the basis for them."

- Noam Chomsky: U.S. To Veto Palestinian Statehood Bid Despite "Overwhelming International Consensus"

President Obama publicly confirmed Monday that the United States will oppose any attempt by the Palestinians to achieve statehood at the United Nations, but Palestinians leaders are still vowing to move ahead with their bid for statehood this week. What will the ramifications of a U.S. veto be? For more, we speak with Massachusetts Institute of Technology Professor Emeritus Noam Chomsky. "If the Palestinians do bring the issue to the Security Council and the U.S. vetoes it, it will be just another indication of the real unwillingness to permit a settlement of this issue in terms of what has been for a long time an overwhelming international consensus," Chomsky says.

- Noam Chomsky on the U.S. Economic Crisis: Joblessness, Excessive Military Spending and Healthcare

President Obama sent his new jobs proposal to Congress on Monday with a plan to pay for the $447 billion package by raising taxes on the wealthy. Noam Chomsky says "huge military spending, a very low taxes by the rich [and corporations] ... those are problems, fundamental problems that have to be dealt with if there is going to be anything like successful economic and social development in the United States." As Republican presidential candidate, Texas Gov. Rick Perry, calls Social Security a "ponzi scheme," and Democrats buy into the narrative that the program is in crisis, Chomsky notes that, "To worry about a possible problem 30 years from now, which can incidentally be fixed with a little bit of tampering here and there, as was done in 1983, to worry about that makes absolutely no sense unless you're trying to destroy the program."

Formula 1-1985 Round 02 - Portugal Grand Prix (FujiTV)

Download/descarca here/aici

Formula 1-1985 Round 03 - San Marino Grand Prix Race (BBC)

Download/descarca here/aici

marți, 13 septembrie 2011


Release Information:

Connoisseurs of driving simulation can now enjoy the thrilling challenge
of driving a diverse fleet of some of the most fascinating vehicles ever
to take to the road. Put on your lights and siren and scream through the
city at the wheel of a high performance Police fast response car in a
thrilling high speed pursuit. Alternatively, try to keep to schedule as
you choose to pick up your fares from a fleet of buses. If nostalgia is
your nirvana, take to the road at the wheel of a beautifully recreated
vintage roadster.

Perhaps heavy haulage is your interest as you take the wheel of a
juggernaut or maybe a mercy mission as you navigate heavy traffic in an
ambulance? Take to the track and let your adrenaline flow as you hammer
down the straight in a finely tuned street racing car!

Enjoy the range of vehicles; each carefully crafted with physics to
represent the inertia, weight and handling of each vehicle that offers a
challenging road ride!
Each vehicle has a range of missions in a uniquely constructed 3D world
that puts you into the heart of the action. Plus - create your own
missions with a specially designed editor and modding tool!
Buckle yourself up for the drive of a lifetime!

Driving Simulator 2011 System Requirements

Operating System: Windows XP, Vista, 7
Processor: 2.0 GHz Intel or equivalent AMD processor
Memory: 1 GB
Video Memory: 128 MB
Sound card: DirectX Compatible
Hard disc: 1 GB
Other: Keyboard and Mouse, Nvidia Geforce 6800 Series, ATI Radeon X850 or S3 Chrome 430 GT graphics card


1. Bucvar sau Inceapere de invatatura celor ce vor sa invete carte cu slove
slovenesti, ce s-au tiparit acum intai (Iasi 1755)

Este tiparita cu caractere chirilice.

2. ABC sau Alphavit pentru folosul si procopsala scoalelor celor normalesci a
neamului romanesc (Blaj 1783)

Tiparita cu caractere latine, chirilice si in limba germana.

3. Abecedar inlesnitor pentru invatatura copiilor (Grigore Plesoianu 1828)

Tiparita cu caractere chirilice. Contine 7 gravuri. La pagina 10 aveti
urmatorul citat (ma descurc cu caracterele): "Copii care invata, sant

4. Noul abecedar pentru scris si citit. Partea 1 (A.Odobescu-V.Borgovanu;
ed.Librariei Socecu 1893)

5. Noul abecedar pentru scris si citit. Partea 2-Carte de citire pentru clasa I
(A.Odobescu-V.Borgovanu; ed.Librariei Socecu 1893)

6. Abecedar 1982

Descarca aici

Lectii engleza usor si repejor

Lecţii engleză uşor şi repejor
An: 2011
Regizor: Victoria Danuta
Durata: 01:54:14
Limba: Română

Învăteţi rapid şi uşor cum să conversaţi în limba engleză GRATUIT - căci cei care într-adevăr doresc să înveţe nu trebuie să se lovească de bariera banilor. Învăţătura este un bun al tuturor: cu sau fără bani! Vă doresc mult succes!

Sunt tutoriale video in numar de 14 ce cuprind conversatii audio.fiecare tutorial are o durata de 6-8 minute.Ca idee puteti descarca de aici un tutorial.

Remux a FLV to a MP4?

So you've just ripped a 600 MiB video from your favorite web site and you'd like to change the FLV file into a MP4? Here's how to do it in Windows (tested on Win7 x64, will be same for others) for the most common stream types in an FLV file, h264 video with AAC audio.

Here's the best way to do it that I have found, using FREE open-source tools.
Sometimes Open Source truly is better than commercial wares.

Both FLV and MP4 are containers or "boxes". These boxes hold the video and audio streams. Both types are capable of holding the same types of streams. So all we're going to do is extract the video and audio streams from the FLV and then put them into the new box, Mp4. This is commonly known are re-muxing or re-multiplexing.

We're not going to have to re-encode either the video or audio parts since there is no need to do that. The resulting MP4 will be almost exactly the same size as the original FLV and they will sound and look EXACTLY the same, since each box has the same contents. wink

Step 1 - Download a couple of tools

>> Download FLVExtract @…xtract.cfm (it's a whopping 80 kiB)

>> Download YAMB @…o/yamb.cfm (6.8 MiB)

Extract both of these into folders which you can easily remember such as "...desktop\videotools\FLV2MP4\" (or something like that - no further install required).

Step 2 - Remove the Audio and Video streams from the original FLV container (or box)

>> Run FLVExtract
> A box will appear on the screen. Make sure that the boxes for Extract Audio and Video are checked.
> Drag and drop your FLV file onto this little window.

[Marked A in the picture below]

> The audio and video streams will be extracted to the same directory as the original FLV file (will take about 30 seconds for 600 MB)
> When extraction is done a confirmation will show the true fps of the FLV video, mark this down.
> Close FLVExtract

[Marked B in pic below, note the new files also]

Step 3 - Put the Audio and Video Streams into a brand new shiny MP4 Box

>> Run YAMB
> Double-Click on "Click to create and MP4 file with multiple audio, video...."

[Marked C in the pic below]

> Click Add and then select the Video Stream created in Step 2 (it will be a .264 file)
> Click on Properties and double-check the the frame rate listed matches that which you wrote down in step 2.
> Click Add a second time and select the Audio Stream created in step 2 (.AAC file)
> Click next. This will create an MP4 file with the video and audio streams which were extracted in step 2.

Locate and play your brand new MP4 file and make sure that the audio stays in sync. If it does not you may need to adjust the fps rate in YAMB but in my experience 99 out of 100 times it will be perfect.

That's it! Please do not hesitate to ask any questions if you get stuck, have problems or have spotted an error in this.

Of course there are other ways to do the same thing but this method has proven really bulletproof for me and it is quick. Re-encoding the file using a commercial video "converter" will take a lot longer and you can easily lose quality and/or end up with a much larger file if you're not sure about what you are doing.

Credit goes to Mikeb71

Formula 1-1985 Gp Brasil (first round)

Ce diferenta intre masinile din ziua de azi fata de cele de acum 25 ani.Ma frapat timpul petrecut la boxe pentru schimbarea cauciucurilor.Vazand toata cursa aceasta timpii petrecuti la boxe erau de peste 10-15 secunde unii chiar si 18-20 secunde pe cand acum maxim 3-4 secunde.

Can be download here
Poate fi descarcat aici

luni, 12 septembrie 2011


Behind the Headlights: Behind the headlights was a documentary show on the Speed Channel in 2004. The show featured Bob Varsha and told the stories surrounding some of the most interesting cars in history -- James Dean's Porsche Spyder, the Ferrari Barchetta, the Thomas Flyer and many others.


Behind the Headlights: Behind the headlights was a documentary show from the Speed Channel in the mid-2000's. The show features Bob Varsha and tells the stories surrounding some of the most interesting cars in history -- James Dean's Porsche Spyder, the Ferrari Barchetta, the Thomas Flyer and many others.

Show Details: The duels between Craig Breedlove's jet-powered, "Spirit of America" and Art Arfons' "Green Monster" on the Bonneville Salt Flats culminated a century long quest by man and machine to establish a land-speed record.

A little bit out of the ordinary but an interesting video nonetheless!


SpeedTV - Behind the Headlights
The Ford Mark IV GT40

Behind the Headlights:Behind the headlights was a documentary show from the Speed Channel in the mid-2000's. The show featured Bob Varsha and tells the stories surrounding some of the most interesting cars in history -- James Dean's Porsche Spyder, the Ferrari Barchetta, the Thomas Flyer and many others.

Show Details: The supercar that Ford built... Driven to victory at Le Mans by American heroes Dan Gurney and A.J. Foyt, the Mark IV became an integral part of the GT40's domination of racing. GT40s won at Le Mans four consecutive years.

This is a great show about a special time for North American Auto Manufacturers, the likes of which may never be seen again.
I hope that you enjoy watching this video.
Video Codec h264
1300 kbps
Resolution 640x360
43:05 minutes
Quicktime Movie

Audio Codec
125 kbps
48000 Hz

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Cuprinde toata cursa vazuta de la mini camerele video amplasate pe monopost.sunetul motoarelor turate la 18k turatii si 330-340 km/h e dumnezeiesc plus senzatia sa vezi depasirile si cursa asta a avut din plin asa ceva.
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duminică, 11 septembrie 2011


RELEASE DATE.....: 11.09.2011
RUNTIME..........: 00:47:00 min
ARTiST...........: Evanescence
ALBUM............: Evanescence

Bitrate..........: 320 kbps avg
Format...........: .mp3
Tracks...........: 12
Size.............: 108.10 MB
Source...........: CDDA


01 What You Want
02 Made of Stone
03 The Change
04 My Heart is Broken
05 The Other Side
06 Erase This
07 Lost in Paradise
08 Sick
09 End of the Dream
10 Oceans
11 Never Go Back
12 Swimming Home



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Old Maps Of The World-IPT

Vechi harti geografice.Descarca aici

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