duminică, 18 decembrie 2011

Steven Seagal Lawman - 1xAll - Season 1 (DVDRip)

Season 1 Plots

Episode 1 - The Way of the Gun
Sheriff's Deputy Steven Seagal and his team capture an armed carjacker after a high-speed chase and tackle a convicted felon packing a pistol. In between these impressive busts, Seagal, the world-class marksman, teaches a fellow team member amazing Zen shooting techniques--techniques everyone on his team will need to survive the dangerous streets of Jefferson Parish, Louisiana.

Episode 2 - The Deadly Hand
After a close call chasing a suspect with a gun, Aikido master Steven Seagal teaches his team of sheriff's deputies some self-defense and weapons retention techniques. Back out on patrol, they get called to a parking lot brawl. They detain the suspects, but one resists arrest and kicks out a patrol car window. Later, Steven encounters two belligerent men with a gun. The members of Steven's team are glad they've been trained by the best.

Episode 3 - Killer Canines
Deputy Chief Steven Seagal and his team get a call for a burglary-in-progress and rush to the scene. They call in the K-9 Unit to search for a suspect who may still be in the home. Later, Steven apprehends a man who broke into a woman's house while fleeing from the police. Steven takes measures to defend his own home: guard dogs. If Steven can get his two aggressive, alpha males to work well together, he knows he'll have a canine protection team that can take on any intruder.

Episode 4 - Too Young to Die
Steven and his team get a call to the scene of a car accident involving a two-year-old, but they discover that things aren't quite what they seem. Later, Steven shows some tough-love to a teenager hiding a deadly sawed-off shotgun. While off-duty, Steven visits the New Orleans Children's Hospital cancer ward.

Episode 5 - Firearms of Fury
After dealing with a couple of armed suspects, Seagal and his team sharpen their streets skills in a computerized crime simulator and a ``real world'' shoot house; a routine traffic stop takes a potentially deadly turn.

Episode 6 - The Student Becomes the Master
Deputy Chief Steven Seagal and his team catches the suspect who beaten a Hispanic man in his house. The team works to soothe the community just as Harry, their former boss, would have wanted. Steven stands by as the new sheriff, Newell Norman, is inducted.

Episode 7 - To Live or Die
The team is called to a scene where two Hispanic men were robbed and shot in front of their house. In their free time, Steven and his partner Johnny help rebuild a house for a family who lost everything in Hurricane Katrina.

Episode 8 - Medicine Man
Deputy Chief Steven Seagal and his team has to scour yards while chasing multiple suspects. Colonel John Fortunato suffers a knee injury during the chase therefore Steven takes him to a Chinese acupuncturist.

Episode 8 - Medicine Man
Deputy Chief Steven Seagal and his team find a huge stash of drugs while responding to a routine disturbance complaint; the guys cheer for a fellow officer competing in a best legs contest to raise money for a local drug rehabilitation center.

Episode 10 - A Parish Under Seige
Deputy Chief Steven Seagal and his team are called to a scene of a fatal car crash. Steven prevents possibly another car crash when he finds a couple of guys with a bottle rum in their car and makes them walk home instead of driving. Later, the team and SWAT have to deal with a dangerous animal threat that is undermining the Parish's all important levee system.

Episode 11 - Street Justice
The team receives a tip of a drug use at a local motel. When they search the premises they find crack and cocaine. Later, the team has to make two other crack-related stops. Steven teaches martial arts to a group of young people the next day and hopes the discipline and self-confidence they find in the martial arts will help them stay away from the drugs.

Episode 12 - Narc Force
Deputy Chief Steven Seagal and his team join with the narcotics unit for an undercover sting on a drug dealer. But not everyone is bad. Later, when three suspicious young men prove themselves to be law-abiding citizens, Steven invites them to a big Sheriff's office picnic where he and the SWAT team demonstrate an exciting hostage rescue.

Episode 13 - Ruthless Judgement
Deputy Chief Seagal and his team rush to the scene of a fatal drive-by shooting; a man is found dead in his car.

Dalziel and Pascoe - 07xAll - Season 7

Dalziel And Pascoe - 07x01 - The Unwanted.avi 626.93 MB
Dalziel And Pascoe - 07x02 - Mens Sana.avi 578.83 MB
Dalziel And Pascoe - 07x03 - Sins Of The Fathers.avi 1.08 GB
Dalziel And Pascoe - 07x04 - For Love Nor Money.avi 617.99 MB
Dalziel And Pascoe - 07x05 - Dialogues Of The Dead (Part 1).avi 580.47 MB
Dalziel And Pascoe - 07x06 - Dialogues Of The Dead (Part 2).avi 547.81 MB

Dalziel and Pascoe - 06xAll - Season 6

Dalziel And Pascoe - 06x01 - Walls Of Silence.avi 757.73 MB
Dalziel And Pascoe - 06x02 - Home Truths.avi 800.40 MB
Dalziel And Pascoe - 06x03 - Secrets Of The Dead.avi 800.45 MB
Dalziel And Pascoe - 06x04 - Truth And Consequences.avi 459.73 MB


Un film super ce merita vazut.Cuprinde subtitrare in romana.

miercuri, 14 decembrie 2011

Le clan des Siciliens (1969)-dvdrip

Capturat de poliţiştii francezi, Roger Sartet (Alain Delon), un gangster cu multiple legături în lumea interlopă, e ajutat să evadeze de către mafia siciliană condusă de Vitorio Manalese (Jean Gabin).
Motivul: Roger trebuie să îi ajute la furtul unor bijuterii expuse la Roma. Dar lucrurile se complică şi Roger se trezeşte prins între comploturile mafiote şi neiertătoarea justiţie.
Cuprinde subtitrare in romana.

Les Aventuriers (1967)-dvdrip

Un fost pilot, ramas fara licenta de zbor dupa tentativa de a trece cu avionul pe sub Arcul de Triumf din Paris, cel mai bun prieten al acestuia si o tanara pictorita pleaca spre Congo, in aventura vietii lor: localizarea epavei unui avion, incarcat – se pare – cu o fabuloasa comoara. Din pacate, cei trei sunt urmariti de un grup de banditi, care vor comoara pentru ei.
Cuprinde subtitrare in romana.

Le samouraï (1967) dvdrip

Filmul este povestea lui Jef Costello, un ucigas profesionist prezentata frust, si a luptei sale silentioase pentru supravietuire. Jef Costello este angajt ca sa-l ucida pe patronul unui local de jazz. Misiunea este indeplinita, dar problemele de abia incep. In ciuda unui alibi bine construit, Costello este considerat un prim suspect de catre comisarul care ancheteaza cazul.
Cuprinde subtitrare in romana.

marți, 13 decembrie 2011


Artist: Enya
Album: The Very Best Of Enya
Label: Reprise Records
Genre: New Age
Bitrate: 787 kbps avg
Source: CD
Playtime: 01:07:13 (382.2MB)
Rls date: 2011-11-20
Store date: 2009-11-23
Encoder: FLAC 1.2.1 [Track List]
1. Orinoco Flow 4:28
2. An ron (I Desire) (Theme For Aragorn & Arwen) 2:43
3. Storms In Africa 4:04
4. Caribbean Blue 3:59
5. Book Of Days 2:55
6. The Celts 2:57
7. Only Time 3:38
8. Wild Child 3:47
9. Water Shows The Hidden Heart 4:39
10. Anywhere Is 3:59
11. Cursum Perficio 4:08
12. Amarantine 3:12
13. Aldebaran 3:06
14. Trains And Winter Rains 3:43
15. Watermark 2:25
16. Boadicea 3:32
17. A Day Without Rain 2:36
18. May It Be 3:33
19. O che Chi in (Chorale) (Bonus Track) 3:49

duminică, 11 decembrie 2011

Real Madrid vs Barcelona.10-12-2011.HDTVrip

Audio in engleza.Curpinde doar meciul.


Despre ce poate fi in mintea oamenilor pe timp de razboi in a inventa fel si fel de ciudatenii pe post de arme:porumbei bagati intr-o bomba cu rolul de a o ghida cat mai precis pentru a lovi portavion,tantari cu sutele de mii infectati cu malarie spre a fi aruncati in teritoriu inamic,lilieci avand atasata o mica cantitate de napalm fiecare pentru a fi parasutati in Tokyo cu rolul de a incendia orasul,dispozitive receptie-emisie introduse chirurgical in pisici pentru a spiona convorbirile rusilor de la ambasada din SUA si multe altele.Majoritatea sunt din al-2-lea razboi mondial relaltate.Audio in engleza fara subtirare.

History Channel Journey to the Earths Core HDTV XviD-FQM

Humans have mapped every corner of the globe – from jungles and deserts to the depths of space. Yet we’ve gone only seven miles below the Earth’s surface – just one five hundredth of the way to the Core. The two-hour documentary JOURNEY TO THE EARTH’S CORE goes deeper: 4,000 miles down to the heart of our planet.

Along the way, scientists, engineers, explorers and adventurers encounter an underground world where: strange life forms inhabit deadly environments over a mile down; trees force their way through 400 feet of rock to find water; 1500-foot tall skyscrapers are built on sand; mines are the size of cities; and prospectors give the Earth electric shocks to help find oil. It also a place where people run marathons, make parachute jumps and scuba divers edge their way to the base of the world’s deepest caves.
Finally, find out how our very existence depends on the mysterious underground forces that shape the Earth.

Este un documentar ce nu analizeaza chimic diferitele tipuri de roci in functie de adancime ci vietatile intalnite in pamant si oceane la diferite adancimi spre uimirea oamenilor de stiinta ce nu-si pot explica cum este posibil sa existe viata la si 11 km unde fara lumina si la presiuni enorme ceva inca misca pe cand omul ar fi instantaneu zdrobit la propriu.Audio este in engleza dar fara subtitare.

sâmbătă, 10 decembrie 2011

David.Blaine.Mystifier.Street Magic.And.Magic Man-DNR

Magie cu carti de joc,monede,ate,ceva levitatie.
Recomandare:fetele sa-si puna pampersi de preferinta inainte de vizionare. Este subtitrat in romana.


Dacia Logan (L90) - manual service (ro).pdf
MR 388 Mecanica Llogan RO\MR-388-LOGAN-0.pdf
MR 388 Mecanica Llogan RO\MR-388-LOGAN-1.pdf
MR 388 Mecanica Llogan RO\MR-388-LOGAN-2.pdf
MR 388 Mecanica Llogan RO\MR-388-LOGAN-3.pdf
MR 388 Mecanica Llogan RO\MR-388-LOGAN-6.pdf
MR 388 Mecanica Llogan RO\MR-388-LOGAN-8.pdf
MR Diagnostic 390 Logan RO\MR 390 LOGAN - 8 Diagnostic.pdf
MR Diagnostic 390 Logan RO\MR 390 LOGAN-1 - Diagnostic.pdf
NT Logan\NT nr. 6010A - Motoarele K7.pdf
NT Logan\NT nr. 9008A - Metoda generala de lipire a geamurilor.pdf
NT Logan\NT nr. 9009A - Curatarea bactericida aclimatizarii.pdf
NT Logan\NT nr. 9331A - Uleiuri de motor.pdf
NT Logan\NT nr. 9332A - Prepararea vehiculelor noi.pdf
NT Logan\NT nr. 9333A - lichid de racire Glaceol RX D.pdf
NT Logan\NT nr. 9334A - Tolerante si cupluri de strangere.pdf
NT Logan\NT nr. 9337A - Catalog de utilaje specializate.pdf
NT Logan\NT nr. 9344A - Ax dubla securitate pedala frana Logan.pdf
NT Logan\NT nr. 9345A - Normativ timp manopera Logan.pdf
NT Logan\NT nr. 9349A - Capaciate rezervor.pdf
NT Logan\NT nr. 9351A - Carnet de garantie - Fisa.pdf
NT Logan\NT nr. 9352A - Revizii Logan.pdf
NT Logan\NT nr. 9716E - Reprogramare calculator de injectie.pdf
NT Logan\NT nr. 9717A - Cablaj motor Logan alternator Mitsubishi.pdf
NT Logan\NT nr. 9718D - Inlocuire cric Logan.pdf
NT Logan\NT nr. 9860A - Controlul sistematic al bateriei.pdf
NT Logan\Prindere carlig L90.pdf
curs_pompa EPIC.doc
cv jh\C.V. 1.doc
cv jh\COP.CURS JH.doc
cv jh\CUPRINS.dot
cv jh\T.curs JH3.doc

Dacia Logan (L90) - manual service (ro).pdf
MR 388 Mecanica Llogan RO\MR-388-LOGAN-0.pdf
MR 388 Mecanica Llogan RO\MR-388-LOGAN-1.pdf
MR 388 Mecanica Llogan RO\MR-388-LOGAN-2.pdf
MR 388 Mecanica Llogan RO\MR-388-LOGAN-3.pdf
MR 388 Mecanica Llogan RO\MR-388-LOGAN-6.pdf
MR 388 Mecanica Llogan RO\MR-388-LOGAN-8.pdf
MR Diagnostic 390 Logan RO\MR 390 LOGAN - 8 Diagnostic.pdf
MR Diagnostic 390 Logan RO\MR 390 LOGAN-1 - Diagnostic.pdf
NT Logan\NT nr. 6010A - Motoarele K7.pdf
NT Logan\NT nr. 9008A - Metoda generala de lipire a geamurilor.pdf
NT Logan\NT nr. 9009A - Curatarea bactericida aclimatizarii.pdf
NT Logan\NT nr. 9331A - Uleiuri de motor.pdf
NT Logan\NT nr. 9332A - Prepararea vehiculelor noi.pdf
NT Logan\NT nr. 9333A - lichid de racire Glaceol RX D.pdf
NT Logan\NT nr. 9334A - Tolerante si cupluri de strangere.pdf
NT Logan\NT nr. 9337A - Catalog de utilaje specializate.pdf
NT Logan\NT nr. 9344A - Ax dubla securitate pedala frana Logan.pdf
NT Logan\NT nr. 9345A - Normativ timp manopera Logan.pdf
NT Logan\NT nr. 9349A - Capaciate rezervor.pdf
NT Logan\NT nr. 9351A - Carnet de garantie - Fisa.pdf
NT Logan\NT nr. 9352A - Revizii Logan.pdf
NT Logan\NT nr. 9716E - Reprogramare calculator de injectie.pdf
NT Logan\NT nr. 9717A - Cablaj motor Logan alternator Mitsubishi.pdf
NT Logan\NT nr. 9718D - Inlocuire cric Logan.pdf
NT Logan\NT nr. 9860A - Controlul sistematic al bateriei.pdf
NT Logan\Prindere carlig L90.pdf
curs_pompa EPIC.doc
cv jh\C.V. 1.doc
cv jh\COP.CURS JH.doc
cv jh\CUPRINS.dot
cv jh\T.curs JH3.doc

Ce nu stiai despre Coca-Cola

Sunt cateva randuri despre cum a aparut apoi evolutie cat si ceva sfaturi practice:buna pentru desfacerea suruburilor ruginite,degresare.Doua minute de citit.Ca idee sa vizionati si documentarul The Coca-Cola Case (2009) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1339641/

The Illuminati The Missing Documentaries DVDRip

In prima parte se vorbeste cateva secunde si despre Romania atunci cand a fost vandut combinatul de otel din Galati acelui indian miliardar-Lakshmi Mittal-un rol avandul prim ministrul de atunci al UK-Tony Blair-cand a trimis o scrisoare primului ministru al nostru de atunci spunandu-se ca acest fapt ar fi influentat decizia de vanzare catre indian.Legatura cu masoneria ar fi apartetenta lui Tony Blair si ca partidul sau ar fi primit donatii substantiale din partea indianului.Documentarul are subtitrari in romana.

Volume 1
The entire political system of the United States and Britain is being controlled
by a small group of elite occultists who have all sworn allegiance to the All
Seeing Eye of Lucifer. For more than two centuries, the aristocracy of Britain
and America have been involved in Satanic Secret Societies which have seeded all the major positions of power in Politics, the Media and the Military

THE ILLUMINATI draws on historical records, footage and photos which take the viewer on a voyage of discovery it starts with the JFK assassination, through the dark depths of the two GulfWars , and brings you bang up to date with details of how members of the SKULL & BONES secret society engineered the 2000 and the 2004 U.S. Presidential Elections.

THE ILLUMINATI takes you deep into the forests of Northern California with
secretly filmed footage courtesy of ALEX JONES, exposing the Bohemian Club s
annual rituals and mock sacrifices ceremonies which have been attended for years by U.S. Presidents, Vice-Presidents and CEO s from the world s largest
THE ILLUMINATI journeys to TIBET where China the nation which George Bush
describes asAmerica a Most Favoured nationare routinely beating and torturing
innocent Tibetan monks.
We expose how senior members of the British Royal Family were members of HITLER SS.We then voyage deep into the heart of Westminster and expose the fact that Freemasonic temples exist within the House of Commons and that the Queen of England is Grand Patronness of International World Freemasonry.
THE ILLUMINATI exposes the links between ALEISTER CROWLEY, Freemasonry, the Royal Family of Great Britain and asks if TONY BLAIR is a Freemason.
We then expose how the SKULL & BONES society at Yale University conducts it is rituals with secretly filmed footage from inside the TOMB.
THE ILLUMINATI DVD is a feature length documentary which runs for nearly 2h.
The New York Gazette said:The Illuminati DVD is an explosive exposure of the
British Royal Family s ties to Nazism, Black Magic & Zionist, Quabalistic Secret Societies. Quite astounding!

Volume 2

The Antichrist Conspiracy is made by British film director CHRIS EVERARD. The
Antichrist Conspiracy follows on from where Chris Everard s last film ended it
tracks the Chinese government s torture campaign in Tibet, where thousands of
monks have been forced to fornicate in the streets and have been imprisoned
without trial some for more than 20 years. It parallels the scenes of torture
from Tibet with the photos of Psy-Ops ritualized torture at the Abu Ghraib
Prison in Iraq. This film asks and to a certain extent proves that an evil
agenda is being followed by the American and Chinese governments.

An interview with a senior official at the Washington State Department the
actual department which recommended to president George Bush that China
receivesAmerica s Most Favoured Nationaward is seen breaking down on camera probably due to being brainwashed.
Another important part of this film shows a Chinese government minister
appearing on the BBC s QUESTION TIME programme the minister is challenged about the policy of torture and genocide in Tibet again the minister stares into
space, talks not to the interviewer but as if reciting a message pre-programmed
into his brain another clear sign of brain washing.
Perhaps the most important sequence shows Bill Clinton in a semi-trance state
repeating the same message on TV cameras over and over again. Whilst make-up people tend to his clothes, Bill Clinton sits motionless, unblinking, staring into empty space this is what Psy-Ops specialists callPark Mode.
Aleister Crowley, L Ron Hubbard, John Parsons and the Skull & Bones secretsociety at Yale Univeristy are all covered in this documentary.

vineri, 9 decembrie 2011

Înscenarea (1997) sau Wag the Dog

Despre aceasta satira s-a spus ca a batut realitatea, premiera sa profetand scandalul Sexgate in care a fost implicat fostul presedinte american Bill Clinton cu stagiara Monica Lewinski. Abaterea atentiei opiniei publice de la un scandal sexual prezidential prin inscenarea unui razboi a momit milioane de cinefili care au gustat din plin subiectul. Analiza profunda a relatiilor complexe dintre politica, mass-media si industria show-biz-ului, filmul prilejuieste recitaluri din partea lui Robert de Niro si a lui Dustin Hoffman. Primul joaca rolul unui producator de la Hollywood, iar cel de-al doilea il interpreteaza pe un doctor in imagine. Angajati de consilierii presedintelui, cei doi vor fabrica o dementiala campanie patriotarda in randul cetatenilor americani axata pe un razboi fictiv desfasurat in Albania. Astfel, ei vor izbuti sa deturneze apetenta publicului pentru urmarile harjonelii prezidentiale in Biroul Oval spre amenintarea unei conflagratii care ar putea afecta interesele SUA.
Curpinde subtitrare in limba romana.

Autobiografia lui Nicolae Ceausescu (2010)

Este un documentar realizat din inregistrari video gasite la TVR si CENTRUL NATIONAL AL CINEMATOGRAFIEI incepand cu 1965(moartea lui Dej) ce a semnificat iesirea in fata a lui Ceausescu si pana in decembrie '89.
Ca durata are 3h audio este in romana.Nu cuprinde nicio naratie doar parti din vizitele lui Ceausescu din afara dar si cele interne,luari de cuvant in cadrul Congreselor unde era alea cu 100% din voturi dar si impotrivirea lui Parvulescu fata de Ceausescu exprimata public in timpul unui Congres.Vazand acest documentar ca realizari de-a lungul a 40 de ani raportat la cei 20 condusi de astelalti ce nu au fost in stare nici macar sa intretina nici gand sa adauge valoare rezulta JAF si BATAIE DE JOC cu toate ca a facut si multe-multe rele celor ce i se impotriveau.Nu-s fan Ceausescu de il laud ca eram in clasa primara in '89 asa ce sa stiu despre comunism cu ce se manca insa pe masura ce inaintam si fiecare are o experinta de viata pot fi trase concluzii facute comparatii mai ales cand au existat 2 regimuri diferite.


joi, 1 decembrie 2011

Dr. House(Hugh Laurie) nu va mai continua

Dr. House ajuns la sezonul 8 nu va mai continua impreuna cu actorul Hugh Laurie dupa ce a afirmat ca are de gand sa se retraga insa nu se stie daca seria va merge mai departe fara el.Datorita succesului inimaginabil a ajuns sa fie cel mai bine platit actor cu 700.000 $ pe episod si nu crede ca va mai exista un alt show ca acesta.Va continua sa lucreze in acelasi domeniu insa din spatele camerei de luat vederi.
De curand si-a lansat albumul de debut "Let them talk".
Sursa- http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2067422/Hugh-Laurie-plans-quit-television-hit-Fox-drama-ends.html