sâmbătă, 10 decembrie 2011

The Illuminati The Missing Documentaries DVDRip

In prima parte se vorbeste cateva secunde si despre Romania atunci cand a fost vandut combinatul de otel din Galati acelui indian miliardar-Lakshmi Mittal-un rol avandul prim ministrul de atunci al UK-Tony Blair-cand a trimis o scrisoare primului ministru al nostru de atunci spunandu-se ca acest fapt ar fi influentat decizia de vanzare catre indian.Legatura cu masoneria ar fi apartetenta lui Tony Blair si ca partidul sau ar fi primit donatii substantiale din partea indianului.Documentarul are subtitrari in romana.

Volume 1
The entire political system of the United States and Britain is being controlled
by a small group of elite occultists who have all sworn allegiance to the All
Seeing Eye of Lucifer. For more than two centuries, the aristocracy of Britain
and America have been involved in Satanic Secret Societies which have seeded all the major positions of power in Politics, the Media and the Military

THE ILLUMINATI draws on historical records, footage and photos which take the viewer on a voyage of discovery it starts with the JFK assassination, through the dark depths of the two GulfWars , and brings you bang up to date with details of how members of the SKULL & BONES secret society engineered the 2000 and the 2004 U.S. Presidential Elections.

THE ILLUMINATI takes you deep into the forests of Northern California with
secretly filmed footage courtesy of ALEX JONES, exposing the Bohemian Club s
annual rituals and mock sacrifices ceremonies which have been attended for years by U.S. Presidents, Vice-Presidents and CEO s from the world s largest
THE ILLUMINATI journeys to TIBET where China the nation which George Bush
describes asAmerica a Most Favoured nationare routinely beating and torturing
innocent Tibetan monks.
We expose how senior members of the British Royal Family were members of HITLER SS.We then voyage deep into the heart of Westminster and expose the fact that Freemasonic temples exist within the House of Commons and that the Queen of England is Grand Patronness of International World Freemasonry.
THE ILLUMINATI exposes the links between ALEISTER CROWLEY, Freemasonry, the Royal Family of Great Britain and asks if TONY BLAIR is a Freemason.
We then expose how the SKULL & BONES society at Yale University conducts it is rituals with secretly filmed footage from inside the TOMB.
THE ILLUMINATI DVD is a feature length documentary which runs for nearly 2h.
The New York Gazette said:The Illuminati DVD is an explosive exposure of the
British Royal Family s ties to Nazism, Black Magic & Zionist, Quabalistic Secret Societies. Quite astounding!

Volume 2

The Antichrist Conspiracy is made by British film director CHRIS EVERARD. The
Antichrist Conspiracy follows on from where Chris Everard s last film ended it
tracks the Chinese government s torture campaign in Tibet, where thousands of
monks have been forced to fornicate in the streets and have been imprisoned
without trial some for more than 20 years. It parallels the scenes of torture
from Tibet with the photos of Psy-Ops ritualized torture at the Abu Ghraib
Prison in Iraq. This film asks and to a certain extent proves that an evil
agenda is being followed by the American and Chinese governments.

An interview with a senior official at the Washington State Department the
actual department which recommended to president George Bush that China
receivesAmerica s Most Favoured Nationaward is seen breaking down on camera probably due to being brainwashed.
Another important part of this film shows a Chinese government minister
appearing on the BBC s QUESTION TIME programme the minister is challenged about the policy of torture and genocide in Tibet again the minister stares into
space, talks not to the interviewer but as if reciting a message pre-programmed
into his brain another clear sign of brain washing.
Perhaps the most important sequence shows Bill Clinton in a semi-trance state
repeating the same message on TV cameras over and over again. Whilst make-up people tend to his clothes, Bill Clinton sits motionless, unblinking, staring into empty space this is what Psy-Ops specialists callPark Mode.
Aleister Crowley, L Ron Hubbard, John Parsons and the Skull & Bones secretsociety at Yale Univeristy are all covered in this documentary.

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